

国際本部 世界からお茶大へ お茶大から世界へ


Going on Your Academic Journey


Continuing Studies at Ochanomizu University

お茶大内での進学If you are an undergraduate student or research student wishing to enroll in a master’s program, or a master’s student wishing to enroll in a doctoral program, confirm you meet the application guidelines and submit an application within the specified period. You can remain at Ochanomizu University even if you are not accepted to the desired program by submitting another application simultaneously for new or continued enrollment as a “research student.”
You may remain enrolled as a research student for a maximum of two years in total.
To apply for continued enrollment, consult with your research supervisor and submit an application. You may not continue your research without filing an application.
If you are accepted in a master/doctoral program after applying for enrollment as a research student, you are required to submit a letter of withdrawal of application for enrollment as a research student. The International Affairs Division will send you instructions on how to apply for new or continued enrollment as a research student by e-mail.Submit required documents as instructed.

Entrance Exam Information (J)(新しいウインドウが開きます)

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Continuing studies at another university

First, get information to see if there are universities that offer courses, lectures and research supervisors that help explore your academic journey, in consultation with your research supervisor. Once you find the university of interest, obtain the university’s application guidelines and make inquiries whether your preferred research supervisor is available for you before submitting an application.

Procedure related to Student Visa: Notification of the accepting organization

If you are accepted by a university other than Ochanomizu University, you are required to submit a notification of the accepting organization to the Immigration Services Agency of Japan.

Notification of the affiliated (activity) organization(新しいウインドウが開きます)

Submit your contact information after changing schools

As soon as you are accepted by another university, inform the International Affairs Division about the name of your new school by e-mail. In case of any changes in your address, phone number, and other contact details provide the new information to our office.

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