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To-Do List Before Returning Home


To-Do List Before Returning Home

Submit your post-departure contact information

As soon as you have decided to return to your home country or move to another country, inform the International Affairs Division by e-mail of your new address, phone number, e-mail address, and the name of your new institution (e.g., university or company).

Procedures to apply for a return ticket

For Japanese government-scholarship students (regular students, research students, and Japanese studies students), a plane ticket for returning home is provided by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) on the condition that the student should return home by the end of the final month of their scholarship period. The International Affairs Division will confirm by e-mail whether or not you wish to apply for this arrangement. After confirmation, follow the necessary procedures as instructed.

Returning your student ID and other Japanese IDs

Return your student ID and any other Japanese IDs before leaving Japan.
If you are a regular student, return your ID to the Student and Career Support Division. If you are a non-degree student, return your ID to the International Affairs Division. As plastic (IC) cards are recycled, please cooperate with recycling for next international students.

Returning borrowed/rented items

Check and return all items you have borrowed during your stay in Japan, including money, articles and supplies, and library books.

Procedures to cancel utility, Internet, mobile phone, and other service contracts as well as settling fees

Contact the gas, electricity, water, telephone, Internet, and other contracted service providers.
Quite a few students forget to pay their final utility and other service fees, which are billed the following month after use. Make sure that you settle all fees and leave none unpaid.
Close and cancel all bank accounts and credit card contracts drawn up in Japan. However, if utility and other service fees are automatically withdrawn from your bank account, be sure to settle all outstanding payments before closing your bank account. In case you have to close your bank account before returning home, and expect any bills to arrive later, leave some money with a friend or acquaintance that you trust and ask them to pay your bills.

Procedures to move out your lodgings

Moving out your student housing

Give at least one month’s notice to your student housing office. Many students leave in March and September, so if you are leaving around this time, give your notice as soon as possible. Be sure to settle all dormitory fees and leave none unpaid when you leave.

Moving out private housing

  1. Contact your apartment manager or real estate agent.
    Inform the apartment manager or real estate agent of the date you plan to move out your apartment. Give at least one month’s notice, and follow the necessary procedures. A delay in giving advance notice may result in your being billed for the next month’s rent.
  2. Contact your guarantor
    Also be sure to contact your guarantor. If you are enrolled in the Comprehensive Renter's Insurance for Foreign Students Studying in Japan, you are required to follow procedures to cancel your subscription. Contact the International Affairs Division and submit required documents.
  3. Clean your room
    Before moving out, clean your apartment and be sure not to leave any personal belongings behind. To dispose of bulky waste like furniture, electrical appliances, and bedding, follow the rules of your municipality.
    The deposit money you paid when moving in will be allocated to cleaning and restoring of the apartment to its original state. You may be required to pay an additional amount if this deposit money does not cover the cost of cleaning.

Procedures to withdraw from National Health Insurance and National Pension

When you have decided on a departure date, bring your National Health Insurance card to your local municipal office and settle any overpaid or underpaid premiums. (National Health Insurance premiums are calculated by monthly payments.) Note that you can arrange to be covered until the day of your departure (by changing the expiry date on your card to the date of your departure). For details, inquire with your local municipality office. You should also inform the municipal office that you want to withdraw from the National Pension Plan.

Farewell to those who have helped you

Thank and say goodbye to everyone who has helped you during your stay in Japan.
The best way is to visit each directly, but if your schedules don’t meet, it is a good idea to send a letter or postcard and express your appreciation after you leave Japan.

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